Friday, December 31, 2010

Tay Du Ky 1986 English Sub

macular degeneration.

age-related changes in the center of the retina, the macula, which includes the fovea centralis ("yellow spot") is one to do in the dry and wet macular degeneration . divided

The wet macular degeneration in Germany the most common cause of blindness.

First notice vision changes the patient, in which they carry straight lines drawn.

A simple diagnostic tool for this is called the Amsler grid. Risks for a patient with macular disease

Nowadays, for the ophthalmologist the form of macular degeneration (dry or wet) and its extension using a dye test or non-invasively in detail can be made visible with the Retinal Thickness Analyzer.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Melina Velba Breastfeeding

6 x 20, the stripper? - Season 9

9 x 01-02 Bloodline / Loyalty
  • Alex keeps her gun on the brand and the office ID card at home.
  • Alex has passed four months ago (August) the examination for Lieutenant.
  • you will be appointed Vice Captain of the Major Case Squad.
  • Alex fired Bobby.
  • Alex weapon stores and brand and then says to the CoD, that they will not make the Captain exam. it leaves the NYPD?

How Long Can I Leave Baby In Bouncing Chair?

Who is Robert Goren? - Season 9

9 - 01/02 Bloodline / Loyalty
  • Bobby knows the Guinea worm and know that it can be found in the marshes of the Nile.
  • by Lt. Bobby is. Stanley Maas suspended. (Before 03 November)
  • It was night of the murder of Jan Van Dekker at home alone.
  • Bobby wants to help the FBI ...
  • Bobby is fired by Alex from the NYPD. (After 19 November 2009)

Medium Format Slide Projector

My tweets

Hunting Permission Letter Alabama


The examination with the HRT is non-contact, not a pupil dilation is necessary.

The very low glare from the Measuring beam is well tolerated. The duration of the investigation, analysis and report meeting is around 15 - 20 minutes.

Following the examination, you will get of course an expression of analytical results.

With annual screening checks you have adequate safety, shorter examination distances are only very rarely useful and necessary.

can be complementary to the HRT-examination by a study with the retinal thickness analysis in advanced stages of glaucoma or at very high risk of glaucoma.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Do Juices Come From Concentrate

My tweets

Monday, December 27, 2010

How Do I Make A 3d Church

The main feature of glaucoma

The main feature of glaucoma , the damage to the optic nerve.

An accurate assessment of the damage is only possible by computer-assisted optic disc analysis with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph. The HRT (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph) is now already the world's standard in all glaucoma research centers . It allows the accurate three-dimensional representation of the optic nerve.

This high-tech scans the tomograph Surface of the optic nerve with a laser, high resolution, and calculates a three-dimensional profile of the optic nerve. This optic nerve analysis allows us to detect glaucoma years before the onset of symptoms and treatment.

a result, the progression of the disease can be prevented. Your vision and your visual field remain so.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tostitos Pineapple Peach Salsa

My tweets

Were To Buy Human Hair

glaucoma screening

Advanced glaucoma screening consists of field rules, the measurement of the optic nerve with the Heidelberg retina tomography (HRT, optic laser scanning) or with the Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA, optic nerve head and retinal thickness measurement analysis).

Thus, even the slightest damage to the nerve fibers are detected early.

Thanks to the innovative new glaucoma drugs in over 95% of the drug treatment of glaucoma is sufficient. Surgical procedures are now the exception.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Redneck Invitation Wording


causes of glaucoma

The aqueous humor is formed in the ciliary body, then flows past the iris into the anterior chamber and the chamber angle and trabecular meshwork in a circularly extending vein, Schlemm's canal.

If the chamber angle too closely, one speaks of a narrow-angle glaucoma (about 5% of all glaucoma), the disturbed flow in the trabecular meshwork (the most common form of glaucoma,> 90%) of primary open-angle glaucoma.

addition to the basic provision for the glaucoma (eye pressure measurement, optic disc), from which according to the guidelines of the German Ophthalmological Society 40. Age should be carried out regularly, we have today with HRT and RTA-art technologies for early detection and optimal follow-up of glaucoma available.

Anyone can get glaucoma. Special risk factors include age, glaucoma in the family, short-sightedness and circulatory problems.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Material Of Lawn In Model Making

My tweets

What Kind Of Dog Is Lady From Lady And The Tramp

glaucoma screening

glaucoma screening and follow-up 3D laser scanning.

The glaucoma is one of the most dangerous diseases of the eye. The main risk factor for glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure leading to the death of optic nerve fibers and gradual loss of vision.

As this invisible to the person concerned is going on, the disease is often not detected until more than 90% of the optic nerve fibers have already been irreparably destroyed.

six percent of people aged 40 Age in Germany suffer from glaucoma.

More on Screening

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Letters Written By The Army

My tweets

Necon Acne Oral Contraceptive


Some 50 million people worldwide are severely visually impaired or blind. include
The most common causes of blindness in Germany:


the age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

diabetic retinal disorders (diabetes)

These causes of blindness are often treatable if they are recognized early and treated.
Often one notices the disease itself but only when this is already far advanced. Therefore, the eye
should be regularly checked by an eye doctor (at least once a year).

More on Screening

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Help For Stroke Victims To Communicate

My tweets

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mia And Nadine Jansen

eye surgery

In Augenzentum old you are treated by ophthalmic surgeons with years of operational experience. Our specialization and experience, we can thus ensure a very high quality of care . Offer

Some of these operations, such as the laser treatment of PCO with the Nd: YAG laser or the laser treatment of diabetic retinopathy with a special frequency-doubled laser, we run directly into our practice, Augenzentum old through.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Symptoms Of Approaching Stroke

retinal detachment

The acute retinal detachment is a ophthalmic emergency.

It must be treated as soon as possible, even if just should be the weekend or a holiday.

When symptoms such as flashes, Rußregen or a black curtain, you must immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Do not wait!

The retinal detachment must always be treated with surgery - treatment options are a Netzhautlaserung, the attachment of the retina with a Kältesone (Retinocryopexie), the attaching of a seal or a silicone band (cerclage) on the eye.

Another modern method is the internal tamponade of the eye with air, specific gases (SF6, C2F6 or C3F8) or high-viscosity silicone oils at the Pars plana vitrectomy (vitreous surgery).

With this method you can also remove unwanted clouding of the vitreous or bleeding gently into the vitreous. The following is a short animation of the principle of vitrectomy, which, like the cataract surgery can be performed as an outpatient.

more about retinal detachment

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making Chinese Noodles And Recipe Food Network

My tweets

Coach Purses Outlet Stores Mn

individualization of treatment (LASIK)

Each eye is as unique as a fingerprint and has the corneal refractive distributed different values.

The wavefront based LASIK not corrected the cornea average, but the true value of the 250 Einzelmeßpunkten the cornea.
This proven technology from space methods (Hubble Telescope) allows a much more detailed analysis and treatment of the visual defect. This allows an individually adapted to the respective eye correction can be made, in particular, the night vision can improve it further.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Fabricate A Spiral

My My tweets tweets

Ph Milena Velba :milk Bags


The LASIK can be combined with the implantation of an artificial lens. Thus, small residual refractive errors or astigmatism can be compensated by the LASIK after a lens implantation.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweater With Speakers

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Yankee Candle Oil Burner

laser surgery

edge technology for refractive laser surgery

The laser used by us has one of the currently smallest laser beams. This small laser spot allows a very precise ablation and enables an optimal and tissue laser.
also the patented tracking system ensures that despite involuntary eye movements are laser printed exactly in place of the cornea.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wedding Goody Bag Name Template

My tweets

Kates Playground Movie 2010

LASIK - a novelty

Innovative technology - to achieve the best for your eyes only

To the full success of the operation is to find an experienced surgeon, of course, also the technical equipment of vital importance.

The clinic in Munich is of course a reference center for LASIK always on the cutting edge of technology.
more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When Did The Simpsons Decline

My tweets

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Communication Help For Stroke Victims

Mercury Bay and Rotorura


okay, so the ceht is difficult to reconstruct everything, if you have to shimmy along any photos and wrote down my agen erstent to be quite mikrig. I'll try anything as good as possible to get together.

The first night we spent in Mercury Bay. Unfortunately, we are only fairly late in the evening arrived and had not so real chance to change the vershclafene to the small towns to explore myself. therefore we are unceremoniously into the cinema. The hostel manager has gone there we \u0026lt;3 you, kiwis are so cute ... yet strange, these people. but look, if you live so far away from the rest of the world, but you have to be funny, right? all that is, the Australians just around the corner ... Australia and gleams now not just in terms of its normal. so we are in this mini mini mini theater and off we were there three people in it ... There Were not sit more then. well, slightly exaggerated, but you know what I mean; D We have "sex & the city" looked. the worst movie I have seen in a loooong long, no joke!
back to the hostel we walked in the cold and darkness along the coast of New Zealand and have wohlgefuehlt us! back at the hostel were munched pasta with tomato sauce, then we have to bed down and told, until we are asleep.

The next day we finally something exciting! We had early low and green in the beloved Kiwi bus. Around noon, we are arrived in Rotorura. We have checked and have, as usual, spread out in rooms like the wrong. We had Phänomän this ... Although we knew that we every day in a new hostel would have to be, Katja and cih it but each time returned to finish in 3 minutes to devastate the entire room, just so we could panic the next morning everything back together and fight pack. that's what I hate traveling on!
well, anyway Rotorura. Just to take a lot of confusion in advance: have new zealand in place all the smaller and especially the streets of this confusion, tongue-twisting name, paid for by the language of the natives, the Maori. I have to say, are not really indigenous. who are also only 200 years or so longer than New Zealand, as the Europeans, the only way: D islands are of the irgednwelchen came and settled in and hold seen all and and all the names given. sit there fascinated by how well the "native" treated in New Zealand if one is used, how the Australians deal with the subscriptions. For that is shocking! all subscriptions, which we see so on the street are homeless, see doer starved, or otherwise heruntergekommmen out. and the Maoris are so well integrated to work in Quantas office and everything, so full of normal. modern language is even officially recognized and are in the museums, the visual descriptions c. not only English and Chinese, sodnern on Maorisch: D I find so great!

to our knowledge of the culture to enrich the Maoris, we have also been laminated to one of their reconstructed villages to drive. that was so great. honest. who was in New Zealand and was not something done is stupid and has something important missing!


why was special so and has what I like besodners, I'll write next time ...
many kisses and hugs \u0026lt;3

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Best Namelogist In Chennai

New Zealand - the last days in Sydney and Auckland

Ooooooookay hereby, the multi-part article begins monster about my New Zealand trip. you will be surprised:) Unfortunately, this time with the photos yet some countries take more than usual, because all are on Kathy's camera card. But I'll try the nachzuliefern as soon as possible!

Here we go

On June 19 was my last day at the Polish restaurant. It was equally exciting, as well as frustrating since I was there the last 3 months and spent it feels weird, the last time running back and forth and trying all the people to do everything right. I helped the new, an Englishman named Faizal and incorporate it with what I've noticed in the course for the job I mitlerweile acts have ... Odd as it was just give be it. the chef and his family were also very impressed. on and on they have praised me and made it clear that they will miss me. cute:) at night I could go home early and have a bottle of expensive white wine gift-getting. now I'm not as drink the wine and wine did not taste good so really the most ... He was ok, I'd say, but I was not in the sky because of it. lose, above all, the best wine always so little to level when you drink it from ner cup. and especially when he is on the same night there must drink because they evaporate in the morning ... John has helped me and we were pretty funny on it. until we are eingepennt then look in the TV room with soccer. hammer tonight, haha!

The next day I went So on to the airport, had not slept much and was really quite inevitable, particularly as the so well was the first time in my life that I've flown all alone. I'm with Jana "alone" to Australia and hanna "alone", etc. .. to Tasmania but VERY VERY alone is what will do it again VERY VERY different and I was quite overcome by fear and had, in whatever. I mean, the probability that it is in airplane crashes not even higher, just because you're alone, right? I'm so distracted with meim music and I slept like a baby cheer flight. as I said, I was pretty uebernaechtigt, I would have anywhere slept in the moment. I just wanted to rest. and which I had then. in the auckland airport shuttle to downtown and to the hostel I slept well again. when I arrived was katja sleep was already on. so I got myself then straight to bed verkruemmelt without even rgossartig to do something. I was really in the end.

we have slept, then went off to explore Auckland. We had breakfast and are rumgelatscht on the harbor. when it was dark we were up to the lookout, but that was too expensive for us. city of which we are then just landed in the casino and watched the people play blackjack. But play itself, we have dared Nocht. I must say that we have the whole first week in New Zealand really listless and unmotivated were. why I can not really explain. by katja wars clearly. she must leave her yes phil in Cairns and it was not clear as yet whether the two of them would ever see again, before she flies back to Germany. it was pretty frustrated and whining on how much she misses him but ... blah blah blah. I wanted to lay her in exchange for talking in your ears because mike and although we really only had bad mood, to no one and have cried each other full of wars but also kind of funny. It was good to speak German again. It was good to have someone who understands you. we have each other and thereby increase purely at the same time encouraged. for hours we just just talked to us and all sorts of more or less moving events of our lives told, as the theme mike and phil were then exhausted at some point.

22 june then went off the kiwi bus tour. We were picked up in the morning and found ourselves on a bus full of British. we were the only German ... yay! It was a cool day, rainy and according to our mood. We had an adventurous, exciting, breathtaking tour of New Zealand before and we were just being pissed of everything and everyone except ourselves has made us really enjoy the outsider. the only German grumble, grumpy and grumpy, only on, always make trouble. kate and jules we were called because we are inseparable were simple and all have admired as well as hated.

On the first day we went to Mount Eden. So "off to make 4 photos, enter, continue," an action. But's it up there nice. A 360 ° views of the city of Auckland and was the best: this was once a volcanic mountain and he has this wonderful, huge craters, overgrown with green grass. Katja cih and have thus totgefreut because the green grass, because it was so green! In general, we have celebrated over the entire journey always When the green hills somewhere hobbit-surfaced, yay! The grass in New Zealand that is truly green, as in Germany, I swear!
Well, we are again boarded our bus and Greens went the trip. The next stop was the historic gold mines, which are accessible only by rickety suspension bridges and pitch-black corridors. It was an amusing walk! These were really easy Hählen black as night, and we had rumfotografieren with our camera flash, so we do not against walls or in the muddy Puetzer on the ground occurred. Why there also 39847535 pictures of our feet and just indiscriminate, brownish-yellow stone. How can we manage not Ahnugn have since made it through without falling and einzusauen us completely. But we went anyway!

swarf ; ter we still have seen the cathedral cove. beach, stones, nothing special. The cove itself was locked, unfortunately, because there was rock fall hazard. it was still bad weather and we could not do anything except rumhocken on the beach. Katja and I made stupid photos and hence are kept happy:).


Okay, cih know that now is a rather accidental entry abortion, and the biher sounded anything less titillating, but believe me, the journey was epic! unfortunately I have to go and ma in the post check up what's wrong with my package is and why it is still missing. then I'll go shopping and call out my potential new work whether I can do this on saturday, or even until Monday.
I'll write more tomorrow, perhaps, or on Sunday, according to the.
you feels solid hugs \u0026lt;3


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cheap Prefabricated Cabins For Sale In Texas



FINALLY I'm back and able to write. Unfortunately, SO MUCH has happened, not at all that I know where to begin cih and so on and so forth. It's all about again in a circle and I know again not really know where is my head and what else is to become of me ...

Before I start my mega New Zeaoland report, I'll bring you up to date first, as to my current situation. Currently I am back in Sydney. As always. When Katja and I are back here, we came with two friends of hers in, Dan and Andy from England (always condemned these English!). Living in an apartment on Pitt Street in the 17th floor of one of these rieeeeeeeeeesen skyscrapers. In the basement is n indoor pool: D We have slept with sleeping bags encouraging carpet between the two beds. Sow cute and funny, the two guy. As we stood in the door with our backpacks, Dan had made us Bakon with Egg and baked beans for breakfast and fresh fruit, orange juice man! The How sweet is incredible, it almost hurts. Currently I pay so no rent. I'll look soon but a cheap hostel. I could go back to Glebe, but ... Well, the Glebe time is over. I need something new for my last few weeks. Andy said, I can stay for 2, 3 days there in the apartment, even though Katja is now gone. Flown back to Cairns the Olle, on her Phil, in the warmth ...

Sydney is reasonably fresh, but not cold. Around 17 degrees google says it feels but do more. felt for the cold in New Zealand, probably for me all warm on, haha!
I was not yet back in Poland at my restaurant. To be honest I wanted to come but not necessarily to go back. Get me wrong, I'm not lazy or anything, I want to work already, so now no isses. The job has made me be fun and I love my Polish substitute family. But I can not bring myself again to have as hammer 12 hour days on weekends. I want to have free, if all the other free, too, so I can finally have some life!
I've already got a job interview with W & T provides, which is tomorrow. Something packed with DVDs, not really sophisticated so. We'll see. I definitely have enough money for first over to make ends meet and my tax money back is also still. This may be (if the luck stays true to me) to $ 1,000. So I can shop well website: D! Only I have to save so for Hong Kong, and perhaps I would like a trip to Darwin, Alice Springs or do before I leave Australia. Who knows if I ever come back. God, I want to think about it ... not at all I'm here but almost home! Aussie Aussie Aussie, OI OI OI! (

Okay, I hope I've addressed all the important and you are enlightened those who are in the exam fever of uni, I press the thumb and all the others. I wish much success for everything and I think of you and miss you!

kisses \u0026lt;3

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pink Black & White Table Runners



I know it's already a while ago, but here's just nothing nenensewrtes. Anyway, I will leave Sydney in 5 days: D YAY. And today's blog entry is to specialize in my early journey.

New Zealand is the goal. Yes, I know that is not Australia and I also know that there is something to be cold of shit. Antarctica is indeed quasi know ... BUT: The flight to NZ and back to Sydney for a month costs just as much (or as little) as a flight to Alice Springs, with no return. And in New Zealand has just twice to see so much and blah: D Yeah, maybe I'll get rid of my money. But who cares. Tasmania was a similar, spontaneous, stupid Incident and I never regretted habs.

The flight is booked, the bus ready, Katja and me: D Two dolls to heal in grief on the big trip to their broken hearts, haha. The first few days will be tough. But we are alive, right? It could be worse, right? Zb be dead. That would be worse, or ...? Mh, maybe would be a relief ...
Nah, I'm kidding. You know, I'm proud to be a guy behind sadness and if he does not want me, I DESERVE BETTER EH. This know hers.

Katja coming back with me to Sydney. This is epic. Sydney is our city and we will make it unsafe. Vorrausgesetzt we did not previously quarreled ... Do not get me wrong, I love Katya. The thing is that we have always lived together before and have never traveled together. There are people that are good for travel, and some are good, if one is caught out. Do not know if Katja and I make a good team, to travel, I mean. This is my only concern. But it works already. I'm really happy.

After this "holiday" it is the first time saves work work work and save save again .. . Yay. I really hope that I will still have enough time to see Uluru. The west coast I'm actually mentally abgeharckt. I do not think that I enjoy with the money. By September only 2 months. Shit Time passing too fast, damn! Well, another time:) I do like so much that I eventually come back to Australia. And if only on holiday visas, ok. The west coast is still \u0026lt;3 And then I take with my family. My mother and my Dad, Sarah and Hude - at least!
Their pack is the way, still not there ... But instead I received a postcard from Austria (thank you) and the packet of Jana, Max, Filo, Marius, Gabriel, Lili and Jan (why Jan ...?). I hope I do not forget ... Thank u so much: (\u0026lt;3333333

well So far so I think I sign it in New Zealand. again when cih not freeze to death, HAHA (I should take this issue seriously, I think).
your missing me and thank you for everything \u0026lt;3

100000000000000000 kisses!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jacqueline Macinnes Wood Wig

Its been a While

Hello there \u0026lt;3

Jo, you have some time not heard from me ... I'm sorry. But here's just nothing. I work and work and try my free days to spend in bed not only what is difficult, for here was raining most of the time is just not cool: (

I'm still waiting for my packet of weeks at home ... 3 now, right? MAN. I do not even know what will be there ... but I need the!

currently I miss home very much. I do not know if it is the men's immediate anna winter and I am confusingly into the Christmas spirit, or the fact that I melt in a kind of sick love, sorrow and need someone who understands me ... in any case it lacks me: (Moderately

future is all upset again (I habs but guessed) because I just do not have enough money to pay for the fucking ... and katja actually not the best for me yet. work through to July and then to travel until all at once Darwin, Alice Springs, Broome, West Coast. bläääh travel alone ... but I do not like.

nya, that was that at least now you know, I'm still alive and I am relatively well. Tomorrow I travel from England. I like howl (one probably I see them live ever again in my this is so heartbreaking

thousands of hugs and kisses


Thursday, May 6, 2010

High Quality Flatscreen

Jupi JUPLA Tralalala BIRTHDAY!

Oh man, I'm so happy
I do not know where to start.!! is ... my day was SO PERFECT \u0026lt;3

First I had to work Wednesday evening, theoretically up by 23 clock. But as my luck would have it were just NO customer there, not one ... and Janusz (the boss) just did not feel like more than 21 and we closed and I could go home. Jupi \u0026lt;3
In the hostel got me right then my cool English friends expected, Connor, Bill and Josepha, Lola was at work: (But well \u0026lt;3 Mike Penner, the sleep I was so mad. D had but almost decapitated him and wrote a hate-Sms ... Whatever, Bill. for me \u0026lt;3 and then cooked it was already 11 and soon we had to vacate the yard, because that is otherwise too loud. So we went to the park. I said, we were surrounded only 4 small German Julia said of English, who held dänce dance. Wonderful \u0026lt;3! It was SO funny, we just sat around and have just babble and it was SO COLD SAUISCH. But who cares, we have been drinking wine (not a Goon, RIGHT WINE! ! The Mike had from his Chef and wanted to get the non-so I did it simply "borrowed" D:). Well, then threw 12 and the boys celebrated fully carried me on their shoulders and so full of epic QQ! Soon we are back waddled to the hostel, because really was very very cold! And then there was Lola and Tom, two Australians that I have Strawberry champagne gift that I could not drink more non, otherwise I went wrong and what I wanted to enjoy, yes! Then again, we are just running in the park, because Mark, the authority had been in the hostel is and has sent away, because we were too loud: (Back in the parking wars terribly stupid and they were all silly and have been shoved from the carousel playground cheer and things like that. Connor is in bed and called me later to say only that he might like me. SO LIEB, DAMN!
And then I am also against 3 clock or so and I stumbled into bed rested peacefully, disturbed only by sms and call, received from time to time in the night.

morning of my birthday then I was awakened with ner Mike cup of tea and asked if I want my breakfast in bed, or whether we should proceed. I was of course go to; D SO GOOD. So we are losspaziert, the sun was shining and it was gorgeous and I just grin eifnach sat before me and was so happy \u0026lt;3 great feeling when one is simply groundless happy!
We had breakfast and I mentioned casually that I want new shoes would if I had money. And Mike says simply: D Ok, now we go boots. And are just in the shops in and then they stood there ... Turquoise leopard print and pink laces. By Puma. OMG. I'm so in love. I NEED these shoes. Gabs but of course not in my size, as it should be! Well, Happy Birthday! War would end up with little articulated: (But that quickly rose again, because Mike was just a ray of sunshine: No thing, we had to order on the Internet because the SIDN always much cheaper I paid half, have unfortunately keien time! you to get a clever gift ... " Oh dear \u0026lt;3
Then we drank a beer in the Oxford Street and went by bus back to Glebe. As we went to a cafe, muffins have breakfast and to drink more tea (if you hang out with English people, simply because it is non-drum rum ...). And finally, we have made a lunchtime nap in the hostel. Then Mike wanted to go skating the rest of the hostel was deserted, because all work and stuff: (So I packed up my book and Mike accompanied ... Then I sat on the bench in the sunshine and I felt like a mother with an eye on her son man, who aufschürft on the Half-Pipe knees ... but nothing like this happens. We are hanging out there until it was too dark and we have still lost some cheer back, but anyway: D

When we came back to the hostel, were Bill and Josepha there and cooked again for me \u0026lt;3 and me a gift presented. One card, signed on the people I know non (SAUSAGE: D THE COST COUNTS!). A headband with bunny ears and a tail attached to a belt. A money box (juhu. ..) and a cup that reads "21 - still looking good! Nice or: D? Ahja and pink and brown eye shadow I've got. Actually we wanted to leave in the evening, great party in the city. But somehow we were all too lazy: D and so we are only sitting around the hostel, we were pleased and abgefrohren our ass ... Sydney is autumn!

Today I stood up full of late, because I can! Mike is just now taken off in a shared house in Newtown ... I'm staying in Glebe. Man, that was painful. Newtown is indeed just around the corner, but still. I'm so used to him! Let's see how it works now on ... I like him a lot, but I do not think so sooner or later the heart will be broken. Julia Kluge, right? SO reasonable ...

Well and now I'm sitting in the library here in Glebe, as free Internet and Verballs the hours until I go to work. I hate weekends: (The worst is, that the rotor work nichmal know that was my birthday, I think. Otherwise I'd probably get a cake from. Birthday without cake, please. This is not yet :((!!

Well ...

course I have called people from Germany 4893759345 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU \u0026lt;3
And thanks for the SMS messages on FB or SVZ, or what!
THANKS to all relatives, friends, or random nice people that have paid me money and THANKS for the parcels, which will apparently come in the future (?).

I am not forgotten \u0026lt;3 and I am very happy! I LOVE YOU SO
; _;!

Cannot wait to see u all again, CANDY PANTS!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is It Healthy To Breastfeed My Husband

oz_julia @ 2010-04-29T14: 19:00


Soooo ... another week has passed full of work and effort and breathlessness. The weekend was particularly bad. Yes Monday was ANZAC Day here in Australia - their biggest, special holiday. What happened exactly I do not know. Mike told me that it has anything to do with the first World War and Australian and New Zealand troops in Turkey, to which one will probably be remembered ... Yeah, whatever. The spider simply because of the Australians so nem shit make a rebellion. Well, ANZAC Day is, most companies went on a long weekend and I from 9 23 Clock continuously on his feet was in the cafe. It was SO FULL. Beautiful weather dependent and all want to go out for breakfast and lunch and for tea and for dinner ... Annoying!
At least I have the whole week spent nothing on food, because there I can hit the full belly for nothing. Well, it's not really beat belly full, because I can only eat when not betribsam is. But I may then choose what I want and these are then always huge portions. On Monday, when only three or so guests were there, I was called out of my little room Dishwasher-out and found a beautifully set table and a delicious dinner with red wine and I'm so clean cut! Polish food is so little like German or Austrian food. Good meat, beef olives I had on Monday and sauerkraut and baked potatoes! Man, that was real hammer! In between, bring me the head and ma n plate of burnt dumplings, which I can make it with. Dumplings are small dumplings filled with mushrooms, or meat, or whatever. Delicious anyway!

It certainly was incredibly stressful Sunday and Monday, so I've worked through without a break of 9 bis 23 clock. Saturday I had at least three hours free, I've spent sleeping in my hostel (after getting up again, incidentally, was agony. Siesta is simply not for me!). But now Julia has not behaved complains of trouble and ...... Drum roll .... was rewarded: D yay! From next week I get ... namely a Gehaltserhöhnung Yes, that is not significant ... A dollar more per hour, HAHA. Real QQ ridiculous but at least they do not pay me more or less! Janusz, the boss told me I would have been improved and would be particularly good at dealing with customers and now that I know had, running and so he can pay me more safely and he is so happy that I develop myself and I belonging to the family and even now, almost blah blah. Full sweet and creepy somehow! Well and when he has paid me for the last week just my salary, which are $ 510 for 5 days should he just gave me $ 550 and said: Is D n gift: We love you so, Julia!
I was certainly relieved and overjoyed. Gehopst'm home, like a rubber ball and I still go Katja and Hanna called because cih wanted to tell everyone how joyful I am!
Then I come home and there was Mike, who has not yet changed the hostel. And he took me in his arms and was proud of me and everything was good! I fell asleep within a second, although I think has not talked to me haha ... QQ! Sorry for that.

On Tuesday I finally had my well-deserved day off! This meant for me to just German, I got up at 9 for breakfast and I've then laid down again and slept until um15 Clock. Then I am to the bank and have my salary paid. Later, I'm on the organization: INTERNET, after calming week or so finally back! And despite an early hour was even my sister online, which was in the university and we have geskyped, but without sound. That was so funny because the guy was behind her bored fully in the bank and has drilled in the nose and I've witnessed the and he did not know it, hahaha! And yes, it was just very tollig!

I can hardly believe it, but I was aware yesterday that flew on Monday my friend in Sydney last German home ... Now I have only English and French, Uiuiui. I speak English only, which is good. And I've learned that in English no word for "schadenfreude" is. Joa ... dependent is someone who participates in the pain of others pleased nech. But there have no word for. I found so fascinating and I felt superior to me directly full hrhr! Tom and Alex of Mildura fly home to England soon and are now in Sydney for the last few days. I'd like to meet with them, but I know that all amounts then go drink beer and I have no money ... Why do guys always go drink beer? Well, go for it girls likely to drink coffee, so is not much better. Maybe I can invite me . Let Let's see how the guys are feeling generous. Ah, and Mike took Ben by the Figfarm weekend, haha. Man QQ all again in Sydney. Crazy is that!

I want to buy so many nice things from my salary, I also need! But I save save save, otherwise I would not and can not get anything until September to see what I want to see DAMNED. For example, I need new headphones because my NEN have loose contact and my flip flops are also broke. But even without self-generating. For that I gave me a pair of sunglasses purchased for $ 5 is legitimate. Fully the cool, with flowers in purple! And a shirt for work, so every day I non my black blouse wash by hand must change, but can. Hand washing is the most annoying fact that there is, for gods sake!

Mh, what's to tell you ... Ah yes, I think I have stress-related herpes, or something. In any case, is it in my mouth completely dry and it hurts: (What would I give for but little potato cream from the glass cabinet in the upper bathroom ... I she me exactly how I go, they open up and down behind the mirror the door! agency in order to lubricate it. On the door handle of the penguin is no need for hot water bottle. And if you come out, so ausm bathroom, then I watch directly to the dressing room, on the simplest of all possible shit is on top and in the corner are a million Shoes where you can see who is at home. And then left my room with the moose on the door and the Derdriu and noisier - Poster. Inside hangs a poster of the perfume she and I on my bed and my old computer and on my window sill my Aloe Vera is with their babies and my other cacti. In the brightly ringed cup, a glass butterfly in it. Besides the plants is consistent with the soft leaves and blue blooms and this fluschelige fern that I think has ever heard of Sarah. In winter, the mother is sometimes the Magnolia clean to me ... or what is the fürn trees. My heater is painted with Edding. Green Day is on it there. And my wardrobe with the colorful curtains is crowded with stuff that I put no more and my costumes. On top is my Elchi and my white cat. On the sloping wall to the left is my little mirror, which I once got for Christmas. Ikea is and because of my love Famlie knew I would find the long wave, they just have him fully bonded with colored hearts. Over time there has been so much senseless Kramzeugs drum accumulated around! For example, a carved by Jana Weihanchtsengel ... hanging as just about all year. His place is simply because, damn! Ah, and on the boards, where are my make-up stuff, right next to the door, as a porcelain angel is from the Lena! And turn to go down always been my key. And next to a medal, I've got to take part in Carlbandros 12th birthday, or something, haha. Oh man! Above my bed is ne old collage of photographs and images that have meant to me with 16 times more. I know exactly how that looks. Somewhere in between is n piece of paper which the Lord Huber pinned to my ultra bad Latin Vocabeltest: Dear Julia, in the long run helps power only.

your missing me!
thousand kisses to you and sweetest hugs \u0026lt;3

Julz (so I call my "cool" English friends remember me as the Calle.! ()

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Volunteer Confirmation Letter

Alchemy Cafe

Hello my friends I know I do not sign up! frequently, which I myself a bit annervt because I later must always write twice as much! But the last few days were just so full of work that I myself do not know where the top and bottom is!

The Polish cafe / restaurant has hired me. And although I initially thought I was in Heaven, I had to change my mind very quickly. Uhm, I'm there for mainly as Dishwasher so dishwashers set spring, but also as a food runner, someone who carries the food from the kitchen. Sometimes when it is clear, I'll take on orders. But more often, because I am still very uncertain and there BLAH. Jendenfalls bit but I'm learning to use what I am impressed! People are also really nice: the Polish family, the father Thresen mother in the kitchen, two sons. The younger, Cuba is 18, I think, but it looks like 12 and is apparently in the "I'm tired to help out in the cafe of my Wltern" phase. Therefore broke me. I got it only 2 times when it was very crowded in the cafe and he should really help me ... but only mim Phone rang his tables ... one by one, haha. The elder son, Paul, so middle, end 20 and the only one in the shop that my son bit helps and gives me tips as I can make things better rather than just say you're too slow, make faster. Paul also is also the only one who has trouble speaking English in my presence. Otherwise, the predominant language is in fact Polish, since most of the guests, Poland, and so on QQ ... a bit annoying. But make it.

Joa, as I said, at first I was hooked! A good job where I can learn something. Unfortunately, not well paid, I must say. $ 10 cash per hour, so I get cash on the claw. This is the minimum wage in Australia, or at least that what comes in, if you subtract the taxes. I will have paid cash, thus paying no taxes and have therefore no possibility to demand the money back later. That's pretty stupid. The worst is that to say now after calming week: You're still too slow, dreamy, we need you, so we can throw you out of non. But you have to be faster, or we pay you less.

I CAN NOT work for less than $ 10 per hour. Sure, I need the money, but ... ne, of not the point. Despite all the despair, I do not let me use. I admit that it's true what they accuse me. You know me, I'm vertäumt, come quickly from the concentration and let me just do not even rushing. When I see for example that not be so much going on in the cafe. Why should I then rinse High Speed on the glasses? Are still enough in the cupboard. Of course, I always do anyway so as I would be full in a hurry when I know that someone is watching, or something. Wenisgtens I'm so ne kind of their own room behind the kitchen where I can mostly undisturbed flush small plates. If only that would be, I think I'd also satisfied. Now I am so the little girl for everything. I have to be there when I am called, that is to drop everything and leave and antanzen within seconds. Bad only if the chief and his wife give me independent of each other orders every 5 seconds and I have to run back and forth. SHIT MAN. It's not fun anymore. The only good is that time passes very quickly when it is busy. Since so is a 11 hour day passes quickly.
For yes, Julia is there by 9 bis 20 clock legs in the stomach, every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.

Last week the organization has given me back a nice job picking and packing. So I'm down there in the morning, have Giftvards sorted (yes schonmal was there), at 16 am And get ready clock NEN call from the cafe, Julia, we need you can come over yet? NAJA ... Julia needs to do the money. So Julia goes, of course, the cafe and works up to 23 clock. Is not a thing, nech. SO I'm just in 3 days 28 hours worked and have seen for $ 280. Of which $ 150 went directly for my weekly rent it. ARGH, that hurts so much ............ my good money! The joke is, that the picking and packing are charged at me almost $ 19 per hour and the job is a much chillier than the running back and forth in the cafe. Unfortunately, this was dependent only on Friday, and next week Monday and Tuesday. Today is my first free day for 7 days and the breathing is difficult for me. I need a mountain of motivation to go there on Saturday to back down ... What if they actually pay less, I have to stop there, though they so menshclich are really nice people. I never complain, I never bleating, I will do everything they say. Then come because of broken English and half in their cih must first guess what they want from me. Not to mention the fact that I do a lot of thing after a week for the first time and if not I explained how to do it properly, then do self-containing first and wrong. to make the whole twice a wrong make a right, then holding costs more time than if he had got explained to me once and I do 10 minutes or the first time would have to guess how this works nu. It's not that I only dream, I'll give me real trouble, especially in front of the customers, serve with and so on. That's also really fun. If I were to make only one of two things, Dishwashing, or Waitress (ie service) would be perfectly all right then, not so stressful. But just expect that I get 100% for both, every fucking second. And apparently I am not in a position.

I know I should bite me in the ass and give everything and go on and be happy that I get anything at all. I am looking for what new but still alongside (on the days when I'm free, so ..... uh, no day so far:)) and hope that I can be away from there.
now says Mike yet that he wants another, more expensive hostel, because there NEN fridge in the room and free internet are (okay, that's good ... but 20 $ more per week ... is it worth it? ) and he wants me to move with him. FISHING HOLE. I shit no money, just as the QQ. Stress me, man!
When turning off the tap in the cafe to me, I shit on everything, and but go to Hanna pick fruits in Bundaberg. Or Kim, who is now the east coast high, in search of precious farm job. Istziemlich become lonely in the hostel. Many are still Manly moved, because they have too much money and want to wake up with the sea in view. Such Assis.
Everyone wants their 2nd Apply for a visa and stay longer longer longer. I still hold me to the first of September. Must be really frugal, so that the money that I work out now to travel enough. Because in June Katja fleigt it home again and I've promised her that we see with her Englishman Phil, Uluru and Darwin. Nothing I would rather do! BUT I'd better make no plans because, as I mitlerweile white, like so on the go as before. So I try to keep quiet blood, give me trouble all in the right direction to steer, but then what comes out at the end, I was influenced. Wait for hope, and do not let crazy. Otherwise it is not far.

I'll press firmly and let me know if I drown!
kisses \u0026lt;3

Funny Ceremony Readings

oz_julia @ 2010-04-23T12: 40:00

Julz Hi folks:)

So, my Tasmania trip was over and so once again I was pretty lost - and bust, more or less at least! But luckily I had contacts, and D with a corrugator Hannah by my side I was not alone! She got a call Dan, a Scot from Mildura, which we offered to take us for free to Brisbane. Mh Hanna was immediately hooked. She has for the guy, haha. I was against it rather undecided. Well, I'm so flown first to Hanna from Melbourne, where Dan would pick them up and wanted me there, then further thinking. It was decided that I needed money, but whether it was in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney or Brisbane would look for a job that was not much. The flight to Perth was definitely not in my price range. I gladly went along with Anna, but I had to postpone it for now. Melbourne I really like, as well as Brisbane, where Hanna would be. MH. It went back and forth in my head. In Sydney, I could have returned the organization that would help me find a job, Alex and Daniel were also there to spend their last 2 weeks before heading back to Auckland, Los Angeles and New York would travel to Germany. This made me very influenced then. Before I could decide, Hanna and I had still a fun night at the airport in Melbourne ahead of us. Our plane landed in Hobart at 19:00 clock. So now that the shuttle will cost the city so clean $ 10, in addition to the exorbitant usury prices Hostels in Melbourne, because of the Formula 1 Well, we thought, now is always so late, we just stay at the airport. So we have eaten at McDonald's for dinner and left us in some relatively peaceful transition between warehouses and check-pitched into a camp. With our backpacks, we have constructed a privacy shield, we have looked at Hanna's laptop two movies until we rolled into our sleeping bags and slept. On the floor. In the folding chairs. Like so right Penner. Man oh man. But none of the migratory border by security people, or the staff has sent away Reihnigungs us. And we were not the only ones to hostel and shuttle wanted to save money! The next morning, we have really seen that was not far away from us even slept one other backpackers. We have avoided his gaze. It was fun, but somehow terribly embarrassing! We have spent the day in a cafe - still at the airport - to sit and write our blog entries Tasmania until Dan finally arrived and has picked us. We then had more than 24 hours spent at the airport ... I still do not know what to make of it. Somehow, even shocking. But it was so funny, you .... Total crazy!

I'm very spontaneous for one ride left. Dan stood in front of me and I would have had to say goodbye ... Hanna from my ... and could not. 'm Simply entered as if it were granted. Hanna was so happy and I think Dan has got it. These Scots are, haha!
The Road Tripp itself was very quiet. We could only hear radio and somehow came on as the non-party atmosphere, as always in Tasmania, or, as with Jana on the Great Ocean Road.
Hanna sat in front of Dan, I was back and I slept. The airport carpet was not as cruel uncomfortable as you might imagine, but extremely well, I just do not sleep well. So there was some catch up! Hanna and the Scotsman have looong used to be hot with each other and to engage in conversation. She bit the same but with English-speaking-native speakers-blockade, as I do. But we learn, haha; D!
are any event, we drove over Sydney, because Dan wanted to go all night - of course. We had a contact person in a hostel in Sydney, Mike namely, that we are there checked in and eat the same pizza. SUPER DELICIOUS, so really cool stone oven pizza:) Hanna and I were invited. Male companions are something practical! When we at
wanted to get up the next morning and drive me back I'm very spontaneous and very shortly joined by struggling to stay in Sydney. Hanna was sad - me too! But she understood me. By good, I am somehow totally on the same wavelength. A cool girl! I'm so Dan and Hanna passed me again and I snuggled into bed, for outside SOWAS hats thrown by that one could think that the world is coming to an end. So it should the rest of the week first run on weather technology. Super.
But I had to do plenty of them. After I had rested I am the first Qantas office gehoppelt to rebook my flight is and final. One small step for Julia, one giant leap for the rest of their lives. When I had the new ticket in hand did not gegelaubt ego for a second. Oh my God, I habs done, I just thought. I was bit overwhelmed at the moment. Fortunately, Mike was there, who had not work, because of the rain, and bit me again has brought to the floor. Then we have breakfast first ... at Subway ... I've also never done before, but good! Then I'm in the organization to tell them that I longer stay - and once again am looking for a job. Well, Exchange, we call you. The sweet Loane still knew my name and asked if Jana is already flown home. Just glodig the girl! Before we are back to the hostel, Mike wanted to walk again on umbedingt Paddies Market and he has bought 28 375 things that he does not need just because they liked him. SO ON VICTIMS. I will also NEN job so that I can do that: (MENNO!

Joa, the day passed so all in all pretty fast and I did not really realize that I'm back in Sydney ... no idea the City just want to let go of non.

The next day, I'm Ali and Daniel finally seen again. God, the two guys, haha. They really get me! It's good to have someone from home who goes through the same, or gone through my heart and it has done incredibly well, hanging out with the two anarchists. They are kind of like so two big brothers, haha!
We are in the evening went to "the three wise monkeys", actually just because there is free pizza on Thursday, but then we stayed all night there because the band was so unbelievably good. Covers only played, but really beefed up well and stuff. Everything from Metallica, Nirvana, about Greenday, Blink 182, Enter Shikari up to and in between just ma ne hard rock carved out version of My Heart Will Go On. Very classic! Just our music stop! We have something come off and Daniel has been not at all get more in the last song. SAU funny! I've lost my sunglasses, but that's worth, haha QQ!

Well, all week I've actually spent with the boys. Always hanging around somewhere, even if we have to do anything, just talking and it was cool!

Am 07.04. we were in Canberra. The boys have already gone injected the day before, I am the next morning - Early early morning - got up, and have complied with the bus. At 8 I arrived, we met and are going to explore the parliament building. Ehm, yes. That was all nich so my taste, I must say in all honesty. Very nice, the architecture and all, but, well ... why do I like to see a space in which rumhocken any idiotic nonsense politician and palaver? And then another room, which just looks exactly like the last, only in green ... and another room ... aha, mhm ... yes. Was nich so the hammer. But then, we are DDDD Museum and THAT was cool! Unfortunately, we were the ex-and Impressionist Exhibition do with all the gold pieces by Monet and van Gogh, etc non - 24 $ the spin yet! Nevertheless, we had our fun! Who has what little is left for art, finds as eye candy! Particularly long we have been staying with the Surrealists, OH MAN. In order to paint such kinky things but you have to have n real damage! Not pretty but rarely stop, nech ...

The day was again too fast around you! Do not know if was worth $ 52 for round-trip .... but at least I can say I was even there. Super, wa! Very well. Friday evening celebriert we have as BBQ gabs nothing in my hostel and we have gefuttert, there's no tomorrow and I've finally socially integrated into the community of my hostel! My new friends are Belgians, Brazilians, an Italian name Luca, the Italian just such a cliché is, HAHA and lots of French, and except Mike still some other Englishman. But besides me just a German who departs on Monday and TADA, the first Austrian, who I met in Australia 've ever met! Gerald by name, by all just Jerry called because the Australians are too stupid to say so right. Shake That comes the south of Austria and has the most extreme in the English accent I've ever heard. Worse than any Frenchman. Really! Strong competition for Niggo from my level, that simply mixes English with Monnema ma-Schlapp Gosch! So, Jerry's English is good, you can say nothing to say hammer vocabulary and good grammars and so does not shy away what he thinks. But it sounds like everything but bit stupid, because of this wretched quintessentially German accent! I can describe non, but it's just so funny. Kim, the Belgians, and I always laugh so away from ass if the talks. Unbelievable!

Well and in between I was always just, lasting for a job. Every morning I'm gone off, the organization's first've made print, and then me with a stack of applications with resume in hand in the suburbs, that suburbs, put up - from cafe to cafe, from shop to shop, all scoured, spread, spread, spread. These Tripps Sydney I met a very different side. If you live in the City Centre, it is corrosive, loud, hectic and all these Asians.
The newly explored suburbs, however, are so super sweet, genütlich and everything. Glebe, the part where my hostel , is so wonderful! Nice little park, walk along the seaside. There is a, well, shopping street could name mans, with cute cafes and boutiques around the outside and just residential houses. The paving stones on the ground are bamalt and flower boxes on the lanterns ...
Each suburb is constructed. Almost everyone has them on Saturdays, Sundays or his own little market on the railing of the primary school, or something, where you can buy ur beautiful jewelry and stuff! Newtown is wild, but still very very sweet! And Surrey Hills is so super nice! Really, I did not think that Sydney could surprise me again like that! I really like it!

I write more soon! But now must go, for .......... TADATADA, I have a sort of interview in a Polish Cafe in Surrey Hills, where yesterday I got my application submitted; D yay! We'll see if the \u0026lt;3 runs Perhaps I am no longer employment crisis soon!

your missing me, I'll keep our!
sweetheart kisses from a distance,


Friday, April 9, 2010

Blackriver Ramps For Sale In The Uk

TASSI second

Tasmania 21st - 28.03.

Our driver Anna has agreed through the twilight to go to Ross, since in the vicinity of national parks was not a campsite with shower. And we needed. Urgent! Now, yes everyone knows that driving in Australia in the dark not at all is safe. Our camper was large and massive enough that we have made our own because of damage not really mind. Fear before we had a possum, a wallaby, a wombat, a Tasmanian devil, a kangaroo, rats, mice, or otherwise which Gevieh to go dead. Even the giant moth, which are smashed against the windshield and have left nasty yellow stains, I found something threatening. Once something is so large that it Makes noise when you drive over it, can I not agree more with my conscience. Hanna and I were so ne hour totally cramped in the passenger seats and were shaking. Anna was left. Do not know, sies has brought as ready to maintain with all the fleeing from the street and the flashing eyes Wallabies in the spotlight at the roadside this indifference and stubborn to continue driving 80km / h. We always thought they could not fly to suffer what to do ... "I'm always ready to brake," she said. Haha.
That willingness is not all even, it has no less than a small gray spot on the track turned out not as a stone, but as a baby wombat. Emergency braking. Screeching tires. I thought, I can never be happy again.
"If we went about it?" I ask. And tell the other two, no. I would have thought, even if it would not have been true, so I wished that the little fluff balls alive. The first Wombat, I see in Australia, we go right to the ground. Ne would be good odds, right?
After we all got out to check the situation, we have the Skein see hopping but behind his mother in the bushes. THANK GOD. I would have never forgiven the Anna. From then on she was then also has much more cautious and quiet blood can pass from the Australian cars. Their motto is well known, "Is anyway enough of the beasts.". How cruel can one be?

Anyway, we are safe and then Mordlos arrived in Ross and were finally able to shower again and cooked of course we have yet! And it was super tasty as always. Somehow always taste pasta with tomato sauce especially well if they are prepared to NEM gammligen gas stove in the wilderness. I do not understand why promises.
started to drizzle any case, hats, and later on the morning it poured. Super duper happy we were there! We had like to just take a piece from Ross to Lance, the nearest large city in Tasmania, we wanted to see more detail and until we arrived, the rain was behind us and the sun shone again. Unfortunately, in Tasmania there is indeed something like Central European weather, ie Sun = warm = cool clouds. Therefore, it was the whole trip about an eternal Pull off and on, back off and tighten up jackets, scarves and hats ... annoying, but she is also very familiar and it also somehow beautiful, haha!
We have only filled in Coles again our supplies: water, Cheesels, cookies and pasta with tomato sauce. Then we have gone off to check out the city. Well, more less the city because we were on a nature-parks-and sightseeing Tripp. Therefore, we went to / the / the Gorge. A kind Fijord outside the city. Very nice and friendly there. Only wanted to go as more sophisticated side with the viewpoints, but then had our Sore muscles and give kleinbei are only comfortable on the paved walking trail along the river meandered. Unfortunately, this was the page that was just the shadows, damn it! Well, the rocks did to quickly and formed a round basin, where we go from the walk are gekraxelt over the black stones and have basked on it. Lovely!

On the way back we walked through a piece of wood that me immensely to recalled at home. As in a European mixed forest gabs there chestnuts (!) And beech and birch and oak ... It smelled of earth and not on sand and it was pleasantly cool. How much I had missed the first I've noticed there. The sight of "normal" trees is incredibly soothing. Anna, who is indeed from the Black Forest, has got total, and was a single smile for the rest of the day, which can have but also anxious that we got an unexpected visitor; D
On the way to Devonport another city that we wanted to look at, well known for its port, because from here, all trade in the mainland is being driven, I got a call. Marvin, one of the boys from Mildura, which is grown really fond of me, called to the "Spirit of Tasmania" from. Crazy. Half, whole crew from Mildura is reflected in Tasmania!
Marvin wanted to know carefully, whether he in our camper for the night could still find a place. Now, our Ranger was indeed designed for 2 people, 3 are in it zuglassen ... but 4 also triggered. Go on! We're young and backpacker at that. We must stick together, and our demands on space and accommodation are something of minimal, as long as we have a roof above the head have been ok songwriter. We therefore have
Marvin picked up from the ferry (a MONSTER of ship) and then are out of the city along the northern coast on the way to new adventures. Our sleeping place was beautiful that night. We parked in a clearing and it made us comfortably after dinner on the camper roof. I've seen shooting stars Venus and 3984. The sky was so full of stars that I could never capture the whole sky at a glance. Made me almost crazy! It was so magical! Beside us hats from time to time in the bushes rustled and somewhere in the distance has a dingo / dog / wolf / devil cry ... We girls had panic. Then we rolled into bed and for the first time I've felt myself perfectly safe and soundly sleeping, no sooner had I closed my eyes. Makes a difference when a man is. I want to always deny, but it just is. Their presence is reassuring.

Next morning it rained. So have breakfast in the camper again: ungetoastetes toast, they gripe here, "bread", mixed with peanut butter, jam, cheese or guacamole (you, as we had once done something!) Or everything. Should be well maintained Marvin. Who asked us whether he up to Stanley can drive. Sure, we said. And while he and Anna have left out the front over South and East Germany (he is from Berlin), Hanna and I have slept on the back of it. A camper is already a great thing \u0026lt;3

In Rockey Cape National Park, we walked back again. Here I have for the first time understood why people say that Tasmania is a bit like New Zealand. For this broad, green hills that serve as little place in Ireland, exactly as what I had imagined in New Zealand forever. Only all the sheep were missing, because it is. Fittingly, at least it was windy and cold and I just love the to run coast when it storms! The clouds are passing by so fast and the air is just CLEAR. Did you know that Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world? Yes, this is fact. We are the hills hochgestapft, I had my steel toe shoes, which I had once bought for work. Beautifully decorated with flowers, I have to, haha (now totally remind me of you, Lara, I do not know why \u0026lt;3)!

After the tour we continue on to Stanley. We were hungry and the Lonely Planet (alleged top guide, the few that have ever use it because it's just too heavy and bums around somewhere at the bottom of the back pack in front of him, if a book can bum!) Has tell us that it is delicious in Stanley, are cheap fish. That this "city" is a fishing village, of course we did not once again. But our expectations concerning the fish were not disappointed. It was DELICIOUS! Stanley is also famous for its "Tasmania Uluru" they "groove" . Call But the mountain has in common with the real Uluru only the form, nothing else. It would have been able to Platto up, but we were too lazy and wanted to find a place to sleep. It dawned up yet again and another night ride almost dead animals, we wanted to do that to us.

The Cradle Mountain National Park to stand for the next morning! As it is just as Marvin was still with us. So four of us packed thick, for it was rain predicted for the afternoon, and are in the mountains. I only say: "The Lord of the Rings. Since the film was shot in New Zealand and the Tasmanian landscape in places, very reminiscent of New Zealand, as I have already mentioned, it was really hard not to be expected that wild Hobbits pops out behind a bush.
The road was nice, but as I said, bit uncomfortable because of the wet ... so we were peeved at the end of the trip everyone. Orcs least, we have (fortunately) not seen it, although I would have had nothing against a few elves. Hanna and I have an epic "I grab my backpack and I will carry away" game played. That was SO good! Overall we are pretty
gone through the Wombat Pool up to the Lookout on the Crater Lake, then down to Crater case, and finally back through the meadows to Hobbiton, hihi.

were on the way back, Hanna and Anna are on a bridge to photos to make. In the distance I saw the object of desire, a gray, fluffy Wombat, bold and motionless, except for the little mouth chewing ... SO cute! Na, and certainly I say to the girls: "Ooooh, fully cute!" And say: "What want?" And I say: "Huh, it does not photograph the Wombat?" What fürn Wombat? "And suddenly from the rest and take pictures as the wild the same place, they just snapped already had. Except that this time was in focus and not on the Wombat ... a stone. Marvin was equally delighted. They just as lovely in itself, the fat, fluffy critters. And I've first seen him; D and how it is when one has discovered a time, suddenly everywhere that! Until we were back at the camper we have identified for at least 10 others. Gray areas between the hills, half hidden in their burrows, or quite brazenly in the middle of the meadow. Why we had not seen on the way out? I was so lucky to have other people have also noted: "You see the Wombat over there, sweet, right?" "WHAT? WHERE? "Hach, I love it when I first discovered what!

Our stop for the night was to celebrate the day once again a campsite. We have ate and told us horror stories (that was disinclined). Nevertheless, I slept quietly.
For the next day, our last day, was the Lake St. Clair National Park planned. Marvin, who had even the pleasure of climbing up Mount Amos was not joined in, here on the Mount Rufus. Anna has gone with him, Hanna and I were too lazy. We are just the short walk to Platypus Bay and have gone down there to the lake. It was wonderful! The first hour or so we are simply just sat there, enjoying the sights and chatting. No one but us was there. It is only a very small beach, but the lake is huge - the lowest in Australia - Surrounded by green mountains, as the Faakersee in Austria! But on the Lake St. Clair may tretbooteln you not because of the platypus, that is the platypus. I do not know if platypus is the German translation, or whether there is a difference between the two species ... at least we have seen so no way, even though we have kept to the lookout, so they were not interesting. We have seen what else was wenger cute, but very elegant.
Over time, we popped the sun quite nicely on our head and we wanted to cool us, so be careful keyed into the water pure. But Unfortunately, this was again so cold that it is only for one time immersion, and has again passed out. After all, we were refreshed! The rest of the time we spent playing cards. It was evening and the sun made a move to dive behind the trees, so it was really cold in the shade. So we are long with our towels on the beach, always a little further, gerobbt follow the sun until it was the only way out on the stones. Cool, we thought to have intended to warm the day and have crawled over the black rocks. On the idea but are other creatures come ....................
first thought I black, long thing for a stick. Then I saw the snake. In a way, very nice, how she shone in the sun as if it is wet. Nevertheless, we have seen her immediately - which is fatal. Absolutely. Fled we act together our things again, and are cut off. After 2 minutes, then we are collecting break with drawn on game cameras. taking pictures of the snake itself was okay. The animal did not move, apart from the leather-like, red tongue, which shot now and then flashed out from between the teeth, you know, the snake-standard indicated. Very very disgusting! So it seemed at any rate harmless pictures of us to do with the snake. But for more than a picture hath not passed, then suddenly says Hanna, "IH, which is looking at me!" And then the monster still moving. Slowly, as though the battery is charged or not. Well, now creeping back over the stones in the forest, and we thought we shudder before the return trip, but then ... we saw the snake into the water and at one time the creature was swift and disappeared in the depths of the lake. Hanna and I are looking at us, eyes big as plates: Fucking Hell, in the water we just swam yet.
We overcame so unspeakable disgust, that we immediately packed up and are cut off. First we were "IH, a snake," then we were "WOW, a snake," and then "IH, a snake!" Until we were back at the camper and the other, their migration had survived intact, we envied our discovery. Since then threw something like "HAHA, we have seen ne snake and nihicht ihihr!"

After our last common Camper meal - pasta with tomato sauce and tuna! - We are still a bit back towards Hobart down because the next morning we make our good ranger would have wanted and not get up too early. To sleep, we then looked at the still ultra horror film "Pan's Labyrinth", with the most disgusting monster that has ever sprung from the human imagination! Nevertheless, I slept well. The last night in the camper ... somehow We were sad. How much you can connect a car to the heart, incredible. He had his Stratschwierigkeiten, but otherwise he has served really true. Overall, we are 1600km and crossed the island, have seen a whole lot and had an incredible time! Thanks girls (and Marvin, D)!

am, I first come in Hobart for two days, something to rest. Where it will take me next, I do not know. Would work but once again not bad, haha. My money is frittered Mildura again. I admit I have a beautiful new bag and a cool ring made to the Salamanca Market in Hobart at the harbor here. I have plenty of beautiful nails now, Mum and Dad having seen in the webcam that can testify. Since I can now also wear nice rings, haha! That's what I deserve.

I kiss and embrace you with love!
