Ohoven: a uniform 15 percent VAT on everything
Berlin - said to work the tax commission, the President of the Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW), Mario Ohoven :
"The VAT is confusing and contradictory in itself regulated. It is high time to mess with rates of 0 percent, 7 percent and 19 percent quit. We propose a uniform VAT rate of 15 percent prior to all products and services. This would be a more effective contribution to reducing bureaucracy and would stimulate demand, because of many lower gross prices.
The OECD has urged Germany to consider in particular that of the reduced VAT rate. The federal government could introduce a single tax rate without EU approval. Such a transformation could be also revenue neutral for the federal budget, carried out. I hope that the VAT Commission now has the courage to radically reform "
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CeBIT 2011: Digital Nomads targeted by the data thieves
CeBIT 2011: Digital Nomads Intent of the data thieves
blogger community and business are popular targets of online criminals
Trade with confidential company information to online criminals is a lucrative business. High-tech fairs like CeBIT in Hanover, offer offenders a vast hunting ground. G Data expects that data thieves at the world's largest computer trade show owners of notebooks, tablet PCs and smartphones will take aim. One of the most successful mesh of the perpetrators: the data thieves to create the exhibition grounds, in cafes and airports own Internet access points. Users who fall for the free offer tap directly into the trap of cyber gangs. They can easily catch record the unencrypted data traffic. G Data advises principally on the use of unsecured Wi-Fi Hotspots from.
The technical effort is small for the data hunters. The use of a UMTS card, a standard commercial laptops with integrated wireless card and a corresponding computer program (Snarfer software) is already sufficient in order to get a free Wi-Fi hotspot or greater. The name of the hotspot is free selectable and the perpetrators put like a known provider or fair exhibitors.
"The trade in stolen data is for online criminals is an extremely lucrative business. The higher the quality of the captured information, the higher the profit that the offender can make the sale, "said Ralf Müller Benz, head of G DATA Security Labs. "For data thieves are high-tech events, such as CeBIT in Hannover, of course, rewarding business. Almost every visitor to use the mobile Internet and the devices are sometimes carried a lot of valuable company data. "
But business travelers are not only worthwhile targets for data thieves. According to the security experts frequent surfers are generally integrated with a high degree of mobility for an attractive one attacker. "No other community is using the mobile Internet as intensely as the users of Facebook, Twitter & Power Co. bloggers often post several times daily status reports or actual photos. Free hotspots are in young users with a narrow This budget is very popular. But again, I may advise against the use of unknown wireless networks only. Access to the accounts can quickly fall into the wrong hands and the victims may risk the loss of their entire online identity
Three Safety Tips for Visitors to CeBIT.
first Dangerous public WLANs
data thieves can easily masquerade as a wireless hotspot. The name is arbitrary. Unencrypted data transmitted can be easily communicated written-by the perpetrators. Expert Tip: Better put on a secure VPN tunnel or a UMTS connection. A Recording of the data is so immensely difficult. Blogger should be in the connection Server to use a secure HTTPS connection. With mobile devices like Tablet PCs, laptops or smart phones, visitors should also turn off Bluetooth in order to prevent a targeted attack.
second Key to encrypt data on mobile devices
The loss of the mobile computer is already painful. Go private or business data into the wrong hands, the consequences are hardly predictable. Generally, users should encrypt all important data with a powerful software. The same is true for chemical data on USB sticks or hard drives. Even with equipment loss or a GE-targeted attack by hackers, data remains protected and are not cost.
third Create backup before start
The effective data protection begins before you leave with a backup of important data. Might occur despite all precautions to equipment loss, users can play the saved information and files to return easily to a new device.
The protection of mobile agents with a powerful security solution is required to assess the experts. Likewise, users should always keep their systems up to date and install program updates and patches immediately.
+ + G data at CeBIT 2011: Hall 11, Stand D35. + +
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http://www.themenportal.de/internet/cebit-2011-digitale-nomaden-im-visier-der-datendiebe -20 539
=== CeBIT 2011: Digital nomads in the sights of data thieves (teaser picture) ===
Trade with confidential company information to online criminals is a lucrative business. High-tech fairs like CeBIT in Hanover, offer offenders a vast hunting ground. G Data expects that data thieves at the world's largest computer trade show owners of notebooks, tablet PCs and smartphones will take aim. One of the most successful Meshes of the perpetrators: the data thieves to create the exhibition grounds, in cafes and airports own Internet access points. Users who fall for the free offer tap directly into the trap of cyber gangs. They can easily catch record the unencrypted data traffic. G Data advises the use of principle from unsecured wireless hotspots.
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Permanent Link:
http://www.themenportal.de/bilder/der-handel-mit-vertraulichen-firmeninformationen-ist-fuer-onlinekriminelle- a-profitable-business
=== The trade in confidential company information Online criminals is a lucrative business. (Picture) ===
Trade with confidential company information to online criminals is a lucrative business. High-tech fairs like CeBIT in Hanover, offer offenders a vast hunting ground. G Data expects that data thieves at the world's largest computer trade show owners of notebooks, tablet PCs and smartphones will take aim. One of the most successful mesh of the perpetrators: the data thieves to create the exhibition grounds, in cafes and airports own Internet access points. Users who fall for the free offer tap directly into the trap of cyber gangs. Easily can the unencrypted Intercept and record all traffic. G Data advises the use of principle from unsecured wireless hotspots.
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Permanent Link:
http://www.themenportal.de/bilder/der-handel-mit-vertraulichen-firmeninformationen-ist-fuer-onlinekriminelle- a-profitable-
=== geschaeft Ralf Müller Benz - G DATA Software AG (picture) ===
Benz Ralf Müller, G Data security expert and head of G DATA Security Labs
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=== CeBIT 2011: Digital nomads in the sights of data thieves (document) ===
blogger community and business are popular targets of online criminals
Trade with confidential company information to online criminals is a lucrative business. High-tech fairs like CeBIT in Hanover, offer offenders a vast hunting ground. G Data expects that data thieves at the world's largest computer trade show owners of notebooks, tablet PCs and smartphones will take aim. One of the most successful mesh of the perpetrators: the data thieves to create the exhibition grounds, in cafes and airports own Internet access points. Users free fall for the offer tap directly into the trap of cyber gangs. They can easily catch record the unencrypted data traffic. G Data advises the use of principle from unsecured wireless hotspots.
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The G Data Software AG, with headquarters in Bochum, is an innovative and rapidly expanding software house focusing on IT security solutions. As a specialist in Internet security and virus protection pioneer in the field Founded in 1985 in Bochum companies already more than 20 years, the first anti-virus program.
G Data Security is one of the oldest software companies in the world. For more than five years also, no other European manufacturer of security software often national and international tests and has won awards as the G Data.
The product portfolio comprises security solutions for consumers, small businesses and large enterprises. G DATA security solutions are available in more than 90 countries.
more information about the company and G Data Security solutions, visit www.gdata.de
Thorsten Urbanski
G Data Software AG
Königsallee 178b 44 799
Bochum Germany
Email: presse@gdata.de
Website: http://www.gdata.de
Phone: +49- (0) 234-9762-239
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