Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Paint Peeling In Utility Room

natural sleep hormone melatonin in the milk

natural sleep hormone melatonin in the milk

Germans succeed the first time a significant accumulation of melatonin in milk

Munich, 02.16.2011. Melatonin, the hormone makes the night, for years the headlines. Whether in Finland, Switzerland or Japan: Time and again they tried to infuse the sleep hormone naturally in food. After years of research has succeeded in a German company, through a patented Process as much melatonin to bring in a food like never before. Researchers found that milk has the highest content of the sleep hormone melatonin, especially if the animals are fed, get extra day light and are milked in the night. The night milk is processed into crystals and milk is now available without prescription in all pharmacies.

It has long been melatonin in synthetic form. The triumphal march began in the 90s in the U.S., where melatonin is greatly in demand. In Europe, sales of synthetically produced melatonin is not possible. And natural sources were previously unknown. There

"night-dairy crystals with high melatonin content, it now the world's first natural-based. A glass of milk, were stirred in the night-dairy crystals containing more than one hundred times more melatonin than regular milk, "says Tony Gnann, Managing Director of the milk crystals Inc. Background: The significant Melatoninanreichung in milk is possible, inter alia, by feeding special, tryptophan-rich plants. In addition, the milk is harvested at night.

The milk is then freeze-dried overnight and night-processed milk crystals. The company has managed to have a patent for this unique process.

melatonin is of people like mammals in the pineal gland, a small gland in the middle formed in the brain, only in darkness. The substance responsible for the day-night rhythm. With increasing age, the natural production in humans decreases rapidly. With about sixty years, he produced only about ten percent of youth values. These are stress, lack of exercise, shift work or flights across several time zones. As a result, people feel listless, tired and unfocused. "The night milk crystals with high melatonin content allow filling of melatonin depots. They shall, before going to bed simply stirred into a glass of milk or yogurt, "says Gnann.

The hormone melatonin has been shown in scientific studies and research many things: It can improve sleep and will even slow the aging process. "Extensive scientific research is mainly to helping with sleep disorders and jet lag. Melatonin is also known as a powerful antioxidant and is considered a potent fighter of free radicals, "Gnann said.

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=== === Press

Kai Oppel

Scrivo public relations
Gräfstraße 66 81 241


Email: kai.oppel @ Scrivo
Phone: 08,954,891,407

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Kai Oppel

Scrivo public relations
Gräfstraße 66 81 241


Email: kai.oppel @ Scrivo
Website: www.scrivo- Phone: 08,954,891,407

=== natural sleep hormone melatonin in the milk ( Teaser image) ===

Tony Gnann, Managing Director of the milk crystals Inc. In his hand he holds a pack of night-milk crystals. This includes 16 daily rations freeze-dried Night milk that are taken at bedtime. night-dairy crystals are now in all pharmacies.

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The corporate philosophy of milk crystals GmbH it belongs to enhance the properties of natural ingredients in the milk for the benefit of the people. We have set ourselves the goal of winning more ingredients in milk naturally. , in collaboration with public and private research institutions continuously availability, usability, and therapeutic Uses special ingredients are studied in the milk.

Kai Oppel

Occamstr. 9 80 802

Munich Germany

Email: kai.oppel @ Scrivo
Phone: +49 89-54891407
Fax: +49 89-54891410


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