Saturday, January 16, 2010

Brazilian Recovery Time

Melbourne, FINALLY

Hey guys!

Finally I sign out of Melbourne! I'm sorry it took so long, but we have yet to experience it moving nothing bored what it would be worth to be told ... So I waited until the days have increased and now I'm already down ne veeery lot to write!

Zunächstmal I like Melbourne really good! It is not to compare with Sydney. The cities are similar, yet fundamentally different and that's why I like Melbourne so much more, HO!
The city is really funny! Full interesting for my Achitecture-for-Abi-learned page. It is really fascinating. Have glazed Hochhauslobbies constructivist and made skyscrapers next to ancient, classical 18th century buildings. An exciting interplay between past and modern. Maybe I'm n freak, but I enjoy various elements of the building, eg, the inputs in detail, compare and observe what styles and building structures have been used previously and which ones to use the architects today, or how it has transformed the image. Yeah, the 4-hour art class has really influenced me: D

in Melbourne is around every corner is a park, a garden, or at least a field. Of course, all walkable. Oh, and it is hot. Not only was said, but HOT. We speak here of 43 ° C hot. This is no longer endure the almost! If you leave the air conditioned shops, first one runs into a wall of hot, dry air. It almost hurts to breathe and they verdört one's lungs. Eeecht unpleasant! You sweat, even if you just stand there. For example at traffic lights. And the sun is naturally so RICHITGE gun. Ozone hole can be grüßen!
Der Bundesstaat Victoria ist dafür bekannt, dass ich das Wetter hier sehr schnell und unvorhergesehen ändert. Ich check zwar nicht wieso das so sein sollte (Erdkunde war nie so mein Lieblingsfach...), aber es stimmt. Jana und ich haben das schon erfahren. An unserem zweiten Tag hier hat es von 40°C total schnell abgekühlt. Plötzlich ging ein wahnsinns Wind und dann hat sogar geregnet! Und ZACK nach 10 minuten schien wieder die Sonne. Aber so ultra heiß wurde es nicht mehr. In dieser Nacht konnte ich endlich gescheit schlafen, ohe vor Hitze umzukommen! Jahou!


hang around the way, "Australian Opens" posters, etc. .. The whole city seems excessive euphoria. Such as the time when the World Cup was in Germany. There are also all ran around and wanted to show their best side. It's the same here at the moment, hehe. As stupid thing is, that will feature two of the tennis-week prices to the right. Right now we pay $ 28 per night, fully in order. Jana and I therefore want to leave as soon as possible the city. Our goal is to hire a camper van, which traveled to Great Ocean Road on your own, as far as Adelaide. There, 2, 3 days hanging out, look at everything, sleeping in the car, and then bring the cart back to Melbourne (other's is not, unfortunately). How it goes from there on out for us we do not know yet. But at least now that's a plan for 10 days. Then we'll see:)
since none of us has a credit card noses, we had the last 3 days, yet little stress and drama, because we are an "under 21 year olds" agreement and "we have no own credit card "security deposit to pay must, had to borrow someone else's data, etc. .. But that has now been resolved. Why we had to light up having to ask the accordance from our mothers we are not so good, but okay. I mean, if we had had our own map, we would not even come up with the idea of asking our parents for permission. We had rented the car and would losgedüst without any concerns.
After all it works now! I'm happy like a child \u0026lt;3
Jana and I will finally do something on your own. Decide when we stop what we look more closely where we take pictures of where we sit at sunset and we eat it. Hehe, it is SUPER COOL! Hopefully ... wah!
We only have about some who drive the van from the parking space in front of the rental points ... under the critical eyes of the landlord, haha. That could be embarrassing. 8947593 Motor stall time and so stupid things, yes, driving :))))))))))))))))))))
Well, we do not talk about it.

two of us spend our days here in Melbourne in a very slow, quiet routine, from which it is certainly difficult to get back out. Getting up is so between 10 to 14 clock. Sometimes we get up earlier to benefit from the free breakfast in the hostel here was to get just to us again and again to go to bed hungry when we get up. The last two days but we have always slept through the grandiose heights and are simply breakfast in the city. That is namely ours, I call it the "meaningful" part of the day. We look at various sites of (shrine in the Botanic Gueards), running around, practicing extreme shop window-shopping, which means that we go in, in special cases even in the shops (!), We get lost We regularly more or less, and do things (post office, car hire related, etc.). In between, either as a late breakfast or lunch, depending on how far the day has progressed, we now have a truly ancient tradition, one in Hungy Jacks. There are in fact the so-called "Stunner Deal for $ 5.50. It consists of a medium drink, medium fries, and n Tasty Chicken Burger (Jana takes more normal cheeseburger), for which I, yes, I admit it, addicted am. CHICKEN BURGER% DDD WAHAHAHAHA
Oh and n ice is still in the process where you can even make a choice between chocolate, strawberry or caramel sauce:) I know you say, no wonder I am fat. But that's okay. I'll just back off when I'm out of Melbourne, or when I come to Perth. And no later than when I am back in Germany because I've heard from reliable sources that I go jogging there every day (haha) ... Good intentions for 2010, yes!

After our return trip through Melbourne, we always return to the hostel to shower, to write e-mails or blog entries, to see shows, and finally eat dinner. This means, in most case, hot water to instant noodles, Yippie \u0026lt;3 You must understand, if we allow ourselves $ 5.50 per day to verbal learning, we stop for lunch to the rest The Day frugal living! This is already clear. After dinner we go
then to McDonalds on the Internet. I feel a bit treacherous, because I have the Internet dort benutze, aber beim Hungy Jacks einkaufe... Naja, Pech. Wenn die son guten Stunner Deal hätten, würd ich auch zum McDoof gehen! Da hock ich dann 1 ½ Stunden, bis mein Akku leer geht, dann hol ich mein Büchlein raus und schrieb random Sachen aus meinem Leben auf... Seit neuestem versuche ich ein Lied zu schreiben, zu dem Ali die Musik machen will. An Alis Talent zweifle ich dabei nicht. Aber wir müssen eines gleich klar zu stellen: Das wird trotzdem niemanls klappen, weil ich unglaublich schlecht bin im texten D: Sorry...
So und dann ist auch schon 12 – 1 Uhr und wir latschen zurück zum Hostel und gehen ins Bett. Der Wahnsinn, oder?

A few details:

I have in ages as I found once again a sunburn, yes! But only in the face of the bit and the next day was gone again, nothing violent.

Yesterday we were, as I said at the shrine in the Botanic Guards and have made a million disabled images. Here is a little insight.

The part is really crass. You enter through the trees to a clearing and suddenly it is a log of a "shrine". A mixture of Greek temples and pyramids. He is not very large compared to the skyscrapers, but big enough to impress with its tawdry. Inside, it's boring. But from the outside quite cool, as I said. You can access on a terrace, which is a tour, outside and has a beautiful view.
There is some monument of some Queen for any soldiers in any war eventually dropped once ... I know.

Ehm, well, that was about the most exciting. I say yes, it's quiet and orderly with us.
Hopefully we can get the car on Monday and losdüsen! I will contact you from Adelaide, or when I'm back in Melbourne.

Big kisses to you \u0026lt;3



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