Friday, December 31, 2010

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macular degeneration.

age-related changes in the center of the retina, the macula, which includes the fovea centralis ("yellow spot") is one to do in the dry and wet macular degeneration . divided

The wet macular degeneration in Germany the most common cause of blindness.

First notice vision changes the patient, in which they carry straight lines drawn.

A simple diagnostic tool for this is called the Amsler grid. Risks for a patient with macular disease

Nowadays, for the ophthalmologist the form of macular degeneration (dry or wet) and its extension using a dye test or non-invasively in detail can be made visible with the Retinal Thickness Analyzer.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Melina Velba Breastfeeding

6 x 20, the stripper? - Season 9

9 x 01-02 Bloodline / Loyalty
  • Alex keeps her gun on the brand and the office ID card at home.
  • Alex has passed four months ago (August) the examination for Lieutenant.
  • you will be appointed Vice Captain of the Major Case Squad.
  • Alex fired Bobby.
  • Alex weapon stores and brand and then says to the CoD, that they will not make the Captain exam. it leaves the NYPD?

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Who is Robert Goren? - Season 9

9 - 01/02 Bloodline / Loyalty
  • Bobby knows the Guinea worm and know that it can be found in the marshes of the Nile.
  • by Lt. Bobby is. Stanley Maas suspended. (Before 03 November)
  • It was night of the murder of Jan Van Dekker at home alone.
  • Bobby wants to help the FBI ...
  • Bobby is fired by Alex from the NYPD. (After 19 November 2009)

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The examination with the HRT is non-contact, not a pupil dilation is necessary.

The very low glare from the Measuring beam is well tolerated. The duration of the investigation, analysis and report meeting is around 15 - 20 minutes.

Following the examination, you will get of course an expression of analytical results.

With annual screening checks you have adequate safety, shorter examination distances are only very rarely useful and necessary.

can be complementary to the HRT-examination by a study with the retinal thickness analysis in advanced stages of glaucoma or at very high risk of glaucoma.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Monday, December 27, 2010

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The main feature of glaucoma

The main feature of glaucoma , the damage to the optic nerve.

An accurate assessment of the damage is only possible by computer-assisted optic disc analysis with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph. The HRT (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph) is now already the world's standard in all glaucoma research centers . It allows the accurate three-dimensional representation of the optic nerve.

This high-tech scans the tomograph Surface of the optic nerve with a laser, high resolution, and calculates a three-dimensional profile of the optic nerve. This optic nerve analysis allows us to detect glaucoma years before the onset of symptoms and treatment.

a result, the progression of the disease can be prevented. Your vision and your visual field remain so.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tostitos Pineapple Peach Salsa

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glaucoma screening

Advanced glaucoma screening consists of field rules, the measurement of the optic nerve with the Heidelberg retina tomography (HRT, optic laser scanning) or with the Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA, optic nerve head and retinal thickness measurement analysis).

Thus, even the slightest damage to the nerve fibers are detected early.

Thanks to the innovative new glaucoma drugs in over 95% of the drug treatment of glaucoma is sufficient. Surgical procedures are now the exception.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Redneck Invitation Wording


causes of glaucoma

The aqueous humor is formed in the ciliary body, then flows past the iris into the anterior chamber and the chamber angle and trabecular meshwork in a circularly extending vein, Schlemm's canal.

If the chamber angle too closely, one speaks of a narrow-angle glaucoma (about 5% of all glaucoma), the disturbed flow in the trabecular meshwork (the most common form of glaucoma,> 90%) of primary open-angle glaucoma.

addition to the basic provision for the glaucoma (eye pressure measurement, optic disc), from which according to the guidelines of the German Ophthalmological Society 40. Age should be carried out regularly, we have today with HRT and RTA-art technologies for early detection and optimal follow-up of glaucoma available.

Anyone can get glaucoma. Special risk factors include age, glaucoma in the family, short-sightedness and circulatory problems.

more about glaucoma

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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glaucoma screening

glaucoma screening and follow-up 3D laser scanning.

The glaucoma is one of the most dangerous diseases of the eye. The main risk factor for glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure leading to the death of optic nerve fibers and gradual loss of vision.

As this invisible to the person concerned is going on, the disease is often not detected until more than 90% of the optic nerve fibers have already been irreparably destroyed.

six percent of people aged 40 Age in Germany suffer from glaucoma.

More on Screening

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Letters Written By The Army

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Some 50 million people worldwide are severely visually impaired or blind. include
The most common causes of blindness in Germany:


the age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

diabetic retinal disorders (diabetes)

These causes of blindness are often treatable if they are recognized early and treated.
Often one notices the disease itself but only when this is already far advanced. Therefore, the eye
should be regularly checked by an eye doctor (at least once a year).

More on Screening

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Help For Stroke Victims To Communicate

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Mia And Nadine Jansen

eye surgery

In Augenzentum old you are treated by ophthalmic surgeons with years of operational experience. Our specialization and experience, we can thus ensure a very high quality of care . Offer

Some of these operations, such as the laser treatment of PCO with the Nd: YAG laser or the laser treatment of diabetic retinopathy with a special frequency-doubled laser, we run directly into our practice, Augenzentum old through.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Symptoms Of Approaching Stroke

retinal detachment

The acute retinal detachment is a ophthalmic emergency.

It must be treated as soon as possible, even if just should be the weekend or a holiday.

When symptoms such as flashes, Rußregen or a black curtain, you must immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Do not wait!

The retinal detachment must always be treated with surgery - treatment options are a Netzhautlaserung, the attachment of the retina with a Kältesone (Retinocryopexie), the attaching of a seal or a silicone band (cerclage) on the eye.

Another modern method is the internal tamponade of the eye with air, specific gases (SF6, C2F6 or C3F8) or high-viscosity silicone oils at the Pars plana vitrectomy (vitreous surgery).

With this method you can also remove unwanted clouding of the vitreous or bleeding gently into the vitreous. The following is a short animation of the principle of vitrectomy, which, like the cataract surgery can be performed as an outpatient.

more about retinal detachment

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making Chinese Noodles And Recipe Food Network

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individualization of treatment (LASIK)

Each eye is as unique as a fingerprint and has the corneal refractive distributed different values.

The wavefront based LASIK not corrected the cornea average, but the true value of the 250 Einzelmeßpunkten the cornea.
This proven technology from space methods (Hubble Telescope) allows a much more detailed analysis and treatment of the visual defect. This allows an individually adapted to the respective eye correction can be made, in particular, the night vision can improve it further.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Monday, December 13, 2010

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The LASIK can be combined with the implantation of an artificial lens. Thus, small residual refractive errors or astigmatism can be compensated by the LASIK after a lens implantation.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweater With Speakers

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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laser surgery

edge technology for refractive laser surgery

The laser used by us has one of the currently smallest laser beams. This small laser spot allows a very precise ablation and enables an optimal and tissue laser.
also the patented tracking system ensures that despite involuntary eye movements are laser printed exactly in place of the cornea.

more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wedding Goody Bag Name Template

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LASIK - a novelty

Innovative technology - to achieve the best for your eyes only

To the full success of the operation is to find an experienced surgeon, of course, also the technical equipment of vital importance.

The clinic in Munich is of course a reference center for LASIK always on the cutting edge of technology.
more about Lasik

Mirrored from Eye Center Old Town Munich .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When Did The Simpsons Decline

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